
starting clicker training

今天收到了豆豆的第一個響片! 迫不及帶來給豆豆試看看~

首先先把雞肉乾剪成大約1cm大小的塊狀... 再來把豆豆就定位,就可以開始了!!!!

麻麻有用功... 先來看 Karen Pryor 的

Fifteen Tips for Getting Started with the Clicker

Clicker training is a new, science-based way to communicate with your pet. It's easier to learn than standard command-based training. You can clicker train any kind of animal, of any age. Puppies love it. Old dogs learn new tricks. You can clicker-train cats, birds, and other pets as well. Here are some simple tips to get you started.


1.Push and release the springy end of the clicker, making a two-toned click. Then treat. Keep the treats small. Use a delicious treat at first: for a dog or cat, little cubes of roast chicken, not a lump of kibble.

1.按下響片會有兩個不同升調的 "喀啦" 聲. 然後給獎勵. 使用小塊的獎勵. 一開始先用比較好吃的零食來當獎勵. 給狗狗的可以用小方塊的雞肉, 而不要使用犬飼料.

2.Click DURING the desired behavior, not after it is completed. The timing of the click is crucial. Don't be dismayed if your pet stops the behavior when it hears the click. The click ends the behavior. Give the treat after that; the timing of the treat is not important.


3.Click when your dog or other pet does something you like. Begin with something easy that the pet is likely to do on its own. (Ideas: sit; come toward you; touch your hand with its nose; lift a foot; touch and follow a target object such as a pencil or a spoon.)

3.按響片時機是先當寵物做一些你自己喜歡的事情。但是一開始先從寵物可以很簡單做的到的事情開始訓練。 (比如說:坐,走向你,用它的鼻子觸摸你的手,抬高一腳;接觸,跟隨著某種物品,如鉛筆或一湯匙。)

4.Click once (in-out.) If you want to express special enthusiasm, increase the number of treats, not the number of clicks.

4.響片只按一次. 如果你想要表現你特別的開心,那就多給獎勵,而不是多按響片!

5.Keep practice sessions short. Much more is learned in three sessions of five minutes each than in an hour of boring repetition. You can get dramatic results, and teach your pet many new things, by fitting a few clicks a day here and there in your normal routine.


6.Fix bad behavior by clicking good behavior. Click the puppy for relieving itself in the proper spot. Click for paws on the ground, not on the visitors. Instead of scolding for making noise, click for silence. Cure leash-pulling by clicking and treating those moments when the leash happens to go slack.

6. 用響片來鼓勵表現良好就可以修復不良行為。響片按下當小狗在適當的位置大小便。或是當狗腳腳在地上,而不是客人身上時。狗狗沒有製造噪音,而沉默時按下響片。也可以矯正拉扯牽繩或是爆衝的行為,只要在牽繩鬆鬆的時後按下響片給予適當的獎勵。

7.Click for voluntary (or accidental) movements toward your goal. You may coax or lure the animal into a movement or position, but don't push, pull, or hold it. Let the animal discover how to do the behavior on its own. If you need a leash for safety's sake, loop it over your shoulder or tie it to your belt.

7. 當牠自願 (或不小心) 做出了你想要的動作,按響片。您也可以引又動物來做出你要的動作,或是位置,但不推,拉,或是固定牠。讓動物自己發現該如何做那個行為。如果你需要一個牽繩為安全起見,請把牽繩循環你的肩膀或把它綁在你的腰帶。

8.Don't wait for the "whole picture" or the perfect behavior. Click and treat for small movements in the right direction. You want the dog to sit, and it starts to crouch in back: click. You want it to come when called, and it takes a few steps your way: click.

8. 不要等待“全貌”或完美的行為。只要有很小小的變動在於正確的方向,就可以按下響片。比如說你想讓狗坐下,當牠開始往後面蹲下就可以按一下響片。如果你想叫他過來時,牠只需要往你的方向走個幾步就可以按一下響片。

9.Keep raising your goal. As soon as you have a good response-when a dog, for example, is voluntarily lying down, coming toward you, or sitting repeatedly-start asking for more. Wait a few beats, until the dog stays down a little longer, comes a little further, sits a little faster. Then click. This is called "shaping" a behavior.

9. 不斷提高自己的目標。只要你有一個良好的反應,當狗,例如,是自願的躺著,走向你,或重複的坐下後再來開始要求更多。等待幾拍,直到狗在那個動作一會兒,或是再走過來遠一點,或是坐下時在一快一點。這時才再按一下響片。這就是所謂的“塑造”的行為。

10.When your animal has learned to do something for clicks, it will begin showing you the behavior spontaneously, trying to get you to click. Now is the time to begin offering a cue, such as a word or a hand signal. Start clicking for that behavior if it happens during or after the cue. Start ignoring that behavior when the cue wasn't given.

10. 當你的動物已經學會了做一些事情的來討取按響片,他就開始自發地顯示您要的行為,試圖讓你按響片。現在是時候開始加入指令,如口令或是手勢。當你給指令後,牠做出對的行為,這時可以按響片,給牠獎勵. 當你未給予口令的時候, 請忽視動物所做的行為。

11.Don't order the animal around; clicker training is not command-based. If your pet does not respond to a cue, it is not disobeying; it just hasn't learned the cue completely. Find more ways to cue it and click it for the desired behavior. Try working in a quieter, less distracting place for a while. If you have more than one pet, separate them for training, and let them take turns.

11. 不要命令動物;響片訓練不是基於命令。如果您的寵物沒有做到一個指令,牠不是不遵守,牠只是還沒有完全學會那個指示。我們需要尋找更多的方式來做提示,然後再在對的動作來按下響片。嘗試在一個安靜的,能少分心的地方訓練一段時間。如果你有一個以上的寵物,把牠們分開進行培訓,讓牠們輪流。

12.Carry a clicker and "catch" cute behaviors like cocking the head, chasing the tail, or holding up one foot. You can click for many different behaviors, whenever you happen to notice them, without confusing your pet.

12. 您可以隨身攜帶響片來“捕捉”可愛的行為像是台起頭,追逐著尾巴,或舉起一隻腳。您可以按下響片在許多不同的行為,只要你碰巧看到,這樣並不會混淆您的寵物。

13.If you get mad, put the clicker away. Don't mix scoldings, leash-jerking, and correction training with clicker training; you will lose the animal's confidence in the clicker and perhaps in you.


14.If you are not making progress with a particular behavior, you are probably clicking too late. Accurate timing is important. Get someone else to watch you, and perhaps to click for you, a few times.

14. 如果在一個行為訓練中一直沒有進步,可能是按下響片的時間點太慢了。準確的時間是很重要的。您可以請別人幫忙看您的訓練,或也可以請他人幫您按幾次響片。

15.Above all, have fun. Clicker-training is a wonderful way to enrich your relationship with any learner.

15. 總之,玩得開心點。響片訓練是一種美妙的方式來豐富你的關係與任何學習者。



亂翻一通.. 有看的懂就好了 XDD




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